I am passionate about creating software solutions that make a difference. I aim to consolidate my career in Software Engineering by working on challenging projects that truly add value to the company.

I am focused on improving my programming skills, learning new technologies, and using agile methodologies to deliver efficient and high-quality solutions.

Bachelor of Software Engineering

(Ends in december 2025)

Technological Federal University of Paraná(5 on MEC)

In the Software Engineering program at UTFPR-DV, I received a solid and up-to-date education that prepared me to work in various areas of software engineering. During my studies, I followed a comprehensive curriculum that included everything from the fundamentals of software engineering to advanced development techniques, project management, and software quality.

One of the best parts of the program was the opportunity to intern at local companies, where I could put into practice everything I learned in the classroom. With the highest recognition from the Ministry of Education, the program stands out as one of the best in Brazil.

Experience(2 years and 0 month)

Codengage(September 2022 - present)

Full Stack Developer -JavaScriptNode.jsRubyRuby on RailsTailwindPostgreSQLHTMLCSSGitGitHubCode review

At Codengage, I developed and implemented efficient solutions for complex projects using technologies such as JavaScript (Node.js), Ruby on Rails, and Tailwind. I collaborated closely with team members to ensure adherence to best programming practices, which resulted in improved project outcomes.

This role significantly enhanced my technical skills, communication, and teamwork abilities through active participation in agile development methodologies. I also had the opportunity to lead projects and manage client communications, further developing my project management skills.

Highlighted Projects

Online Resume

Online Resume

This is a personal project where I developed my online resume, learning and implementing Next.js. The goal of this project was to create a fully functional, aesthetically pleasing, and highly optimized online resume that showcases my technical skills and personal achievements. I wanted to build a site that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well across various devices and screen sizes.

Throughout this project, I focused on creating a seamless user experience by implementing best practices in responsive design, accessibility, and performance optimization. I utilized Next.js for its powerful static and dynamic rendering capabilities, which allowed me to deliver content efficiently and enhance the site's performance. TailwindCSS was used for styling due to its flexibility and ease of use, enabling me to maintain a clean and consistent design. Additionally, I incorporated SEO strategies to improve the site's visibility on search engines, ensuring that my resume reaches a wider audience.

This project reflects my ability to handle the entire web development process, from concept and design to implementation and optimization, and demonstrates my commitment to creating high-quality web applications.
  • NextJs
  • TailwindCSS
Yogomarcas (in development)

Yogomarcas (in development)

Developing a comprehensive website with a blog for a client, focusing on SEO optimization and client acquisition. This project aims to significantly enhance the client's online presence and attract potential customers through strategically structured content and effective conversion funnels. The primary objective is to create a robust digital platform that not only showcases the client's products and services but also engages visitors and converts them into loyal customers. The website is being developed with a keen focus on SEO best practices, including keyword optimization, meta tags, and high-quality content to ensure high search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

TailwindCSS is used to design a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience across all devices. Additionally, I am developing conversion funnels to guide visitors through the website, encouraging them to take specific actions such as signing up for newsletters, filling out contact forms, or making purchases. These funnels are strategically placed and designed to maximize the client's ROI by turning visitors into leads or customers.

This project also involves creating detailed analytics and reporting systems to track user behavior and website performance, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement. Although still in development, the project already demonstrates excellent SEO and design practices, showing great potential for significant improvements in client acquisition and online visibility once completed.

This project exemplifies my ability to work on complex web development tasks, focusing on both the technical and strategic aspects to deliver a comprehensive and effective online solution for the client.
  • TailwindCSS
  • RubyOnRails
  • Hotwired
  • Ruby
  • HTML